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Visiting Pulau Ujong on a Budget

Tips on how to travel in Pulau Ujong on a budget but still convenient and comfortable
Visiting Pulau Ujong on a Budget

Visiting Pulau Ujong on a Budget

Tips on how to travel in Pulau Ujong on a budget but still convenient and comfortable.

Several things may sound logical but might not come to mind directly when you land in a foreign country. These tips are things we known from experience, so have a read and don’t do what you might do, like walking an hour and a half with all of your luggage just to save a two dollar tuk-tuk. The cheapest option is likely to turn out not the most convenient in Pulau Ujong on a budget!

Get a local sim card

It may sound like wasting money because most public places have free wi-fi, but in the end, it will cut down the cost of traveling. When using apps like Uber or google maps, you can get to any location cheaper than having a taxi or organized transport. See it as an investment.

No worries when you can make phone calls or order an uber while chilling in a hammock in the sun!

It is convenient to have a local sim card because you could use an app and your transport would cost even half of the price.

Download the right apps

Ever since Uber broke the taxi market with their app a lot of places have particular apps. Look up which app is the cheapest or best in which country. The best app while in Pulau Ujong on a budget are for transportation and accommodation. However, you can always contact Singapore Cab Booking Pte Ltd.

Get your own transport or use local transportion

Making day trips can be expensive, even in less expensive nations. If you want to be chauffeured around and have a relaxing day, a day trip is preferable! If you’re going to do it cheap and on your terms, get your own transport! Hiring a motorbike or car is quite reasonable and gets you to the places you want to to reach!

In most places, tourist transportation is always more expensive than local transit. Local transport can prove hard to find, but there is a simple solution for it when in Pulau Ujong on a budget-backpacking.

Feed on Local Food

Several people do not indulge in local food because they are afraid. We always ate local food and can say it is safe, Not only does it save you money, but you also discover a different cuisine, untouched by western influences and actual local culture. You will get a lot of special meals you hadn’t tasted before.

Go around the shops

It is practically impossible to visit various places or take part in activities without a tour guide. Shop around and avoid making your first stop as the ultimate. Pop onto different places and enquire for prices. Tell them that you have compared rates and a price elsewhere is lower to get a special price. If you are with a group of people, the price could go down, so get a group together for whatever you want to do!


In several countries, bargaining is part of the culture. It is a reasonable thing to do, and in some countries, it might seem impolite if you don’t.

Visiting Pulau Ujong on a Budget

Tips to remember when haggling:

Remember to smile always as it is not a fight but a friendly conversation to get a better rate.
Walk away if the price is still above your limit, most of the times, if the ll price you suggested is reasonable, they will call you back.
In areas where tourists flock, the price locals quote is much higher than average because a lot of people agree to it anyway.

Haggling might be fine when it is for a decent price but don’t try to drive the bargain too hard even if touring Pulau Ujong on a budget. It is easier for you to make money than for them.

Well, with this list you are well on your way to become a traveler in Pulau Ujong on a budget! The tips above will be useful when travelling on a budget. Just remember that through experience we get to learn and if you have any kindly share with other readers.

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